A concise daily devotional developed to
encourage reading and understanding of God's Word.

"I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know Him better." Ephesians 1:17 (NIV)

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Saturday, September 7, 2013


Isaiah 14:24


"The Lord of hosts has sworn: 'As I have planned, so shall it be, and as I have purposed, so shall it stand.'" ESV


Whether we make plans for our day or for our lives, it is a very wise thing to make sure these plans are tentative. God may have other plans for us and His plan trumps ours.


Heavenly Father, thank You for being in control of our lives. Help us to make our plans with the knowledge that You may have a totally different direction for us. Show us how to be ready to change the plan, whether it is a plan for today or for our whole life's journey. In the name of Jesus' we pray, Amen.

Daily Grace
Bobbi Craigmyle, Psy.D., BCPCC
No Copyright Infringement Intended
Personal Use Only


Frugal Meals for Families said...

Beautiful prayer, glad to say Amen

betty-NZ said...

So very true! I never ever planned on seeing, much less living in, New Zealand!!

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