Sunday, June 19, 2011


Matthew 16:25

"For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it." NIV

"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it." KJV

If we honestly examine ourselves, we may find there are things we hold onto that we just can't release or that we deceive ourselves into thinking it won't matter in our Christian walk. Since we identified with Christ and were buried in death and risen to new life through baptism, we are no longer the master over our own lives. The Lord God is now the Master, Lord, and Savior. If we insist on any thing but His will, we will lose whatever we have. It will hinder our spiritual growth and our spiritual relationship with God. Let's examine ourselves now.

Heavenly Father, we earnestly seek to give you Lordship over every part of our lives. Help us to examine ourselves to see if there is any place at which we are holding back. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

Daily Grace
Bobbi Craigmyle, Psy.D., BCPCC


  1. Thank you for these encouraging Bible verses to remind us to surrender ourselves fully to God and His plans for us. Truly, the surrendered life is the best and brightest way! Not always easy, but then,nothing in life is. Have a blessed and beautiful week.

  2. Yes, it is rather difficult to be a Christian.

  3. Thank-you for sharing this scripture with us.

  4. Good Morning! Your post brought deep thought to me as I read it this a.m.. I thought of a wonderful teaching my spiritual mother has shared in one of her services. There is the Master ..and then there is us! We all have been given a choice < and this is directed to the believer of Jehovah God > we can be a hired servant and receive and expect pay for our service or PTL we can be a bondservant where the only choice we have is to give up our choice of freedom to be of total complete without hestitation, service with no expecation for reward. To serve the One True Master is but our reward...this is the heart I desire to have..sometimes the flesh as one of the comments stated being a Christian is hard ...what makes it hard is a double minded the Master or to self. Which will we serve. Once we have our mind made up to serve then the journey to being a Christian is not hard but a path that leads us to the Peace of God...not that the path does not have pit holes, snares, and full of enemies to kill steal and destroy ..oh yes there is plenty but a set, a determined mind will go forth and know it is not by their might nor their power but only by the Spirit that they can experience victory and obtain the mark of the prize of the High Calling!
    Thanks for the gentle reminder that the journey before us ..spite the many times opportunity comes to give me the choice of perserving my own life or laying it down for the sake of Christ.


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