Saturday, June 18, 2011


2 Chronicles 20:15b

"Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's." NIV

"Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not your's, but God's." KJV

How often do we look at all the things that are against us and become overwhelmed? Or anxious? Doesn't the Lord tell us to keep our eyes on Him? He is already working on those troubling situations and has His plan to take care of us. Let God do what He intends to do. We can keep our eyes on Him and let His joy be our strength.

Heavenly Father, forgive us for getting our eyes on the vast array of problems and troublesome situations that surround us and our loved ones. We do understand that in this world we will have tribulation. Give us grace to keep our eyes on You and to let You take care of the battle, it is Yours, not ours. We pray in Jesus' name, Amen.

Daily Grace
Bobbi Craigmyle, Psy.D., BCPCC


  1. Thank you for sharing these powerful scriptures. Yes, praying for Grace to keep my eyes on Him!

  2. You know Bobbi, I just came to this place again the other day.,.. I am always there when my family and friends call. Yet I am becoming so weiry and my body breaking down so that I get one illness after the other. At the moment its bronchitis.. So I need a Sabatical and I need to let go more and let God more.. We always think everything and everyone depends on us. We hate letting everyone down..and yet, the battle is His, not ours. Oh I pray more and more to sit back and let Him do His work. God Bless your day. xxx Crystal


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