Thursday, October 6, 2011


Mark 5:36

"Don't be afraid; just believe." NIV

"Be not afraid, only believe." KJV

Jesus uttered these words to the man whose daughter lay dead at home. The crowds were shouting at him to leave Jesus alone, the girl was dead, it was too late. Are you in a situation in your life in which it seems hopeless? Are the people around you or your own thoughts telling you there is no use to even ask? The voice of the Holy Spirit will be firmly but gently comforting you and reminding you that God has a plan. God is in control and He is working this out for you and for His glory. Isn't it awesome that He would take a tragedy from your life and turn it into a glorious thing for you and for Him? Do not listen to those around you. Listen to the Holy Spirit.

Heavenly Father, it seems we just crouch in fear when difficult things are facing us. Forgive us for allowing ourselves to go through a time of fear and defeat before we turn our eyes to You. Open our hearts and ears to the voice of the Holy Spirit so that we may have courage and walk in the power of Your Spirit. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Daily Grace
Bobbi Craigmyle, Psy.D., BCPCC
No Copyright Infringement Intended
Personal Use Only


  1. Very powerful message. Help us to always remember this.

  2. How many times has a Goliath stood in from of me and I was as Saul until I remember David and his faith in the power of his God...
    Love the picture ...powerful as Clint stated...I agree 110% with him

  3. What a beautiful message! One I needed to hear..I have been facing a trial in my life for several years,
    sometimes it looks hopeless..but this makes me see there is always hope through Him! Thank you for a great message!

  4. The last 2 years, with the challenges I have faced, I could have gone two ways: either trusting God or living in fear and despair. I chose to trust. I might have grieved and cried my way through that trust - because sometimes life just hurts - but I have come through with a more alive experience of to have faith and hope even though I do not see - to have faith and hope that today is not the end of the story - there's a whole lot more to it - and God is the writer of it!

    And, even though I know all that, your post blessed me, reminding me as I face new challenges. And somedays even though I do know it, I need to be encouraged in it. Thank you for that encouragement!


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