Sunday, December 12, 2010


1 Thessalonians 5:16

"Be joyful always." NIV

"Rejoice evermore." KJV

How can we be joyful all the time, especially in this
world with such trials and stresses? For the natural
man it is impossible. For the born again child of God,
joy is ongoing. We have this joy because we know the
things of this world are temporary and what is waiting
for us is eternal life and perfect fellowship with our

Heavenly Father, so many times we let the things of
this world rob us of our joy. Help us Lord, to always
remember who we are and what we have waiting for
us, so that our joy will remain forever. In Jesus' name.


Daily Grace


  1. How true that the world can distract us from our joy. Yet, the blessing of seeing Him all around us and the awareness is the gift.

    Blessings, Karen

  2. Thank you Bobbie for this message on the Joy that a relationship with our Lord brings. God bless, Lloyd

  3. His Peace passeth understanding!!!

  4. Excellent! Thanks for the joy reminder.

  5. "Remember who we are and what we have waiting for us." This says it all! Merry Christmas, Dr. Bobbi

  6. I've learned a lot about CHOOSING JOY this year, I agree!!

    Wanted to let you know that I "pinned" this cutie to Pinterest, thanks!!


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