Saturday, December 11, 2010


Philippians 2:5

"Your attitude should be the same as that of
Christ Jesus." NIV

"Let this mind be in you, which was also in
Christ Jesus." KJV

We often need an attitude check. Just what was
Jesus' attitude when He walked on this earth? He
lowered himself to serve others, all others, even
though he was God. He did every thing the Father
told him to do, even dying a horrible death on the
cross. The Father exalted him above all for his
attitude to serve and obey. Now, let's check our

Heavenly Father, we ask for your forgiveness for
not having the right attitude at times. Help us to
not get caught up in the things of the world and
to not take on the world's attitude. Give us the attitude
that was in Jesus. In His name we pray, Amen.


Daily Grace


  1. Amen! Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Hi Bobbi,

    This is a wonderful reminder for all, particularly during this time of year when it becomes so tempting to face anxiety, financial pressures and stress.

    May we have that Christ-like attitude in our heart and mind.

    Blessings and peace.


  3. Amen! I need an attitude check at least a couple of times a week.
    Thank you for this most excellent reminder!!!

  4. Wonderful thoughts. I need to check my attitude hour by hour!

  5. So true. We need to check our attitude often. Thank you for this reminder.

  6. Yes...thank you for sharing this.....Have a great weekend.

  7. Do I walk in faith when I am going through the fire? What is my attitude when I don't understand what is going on? Oh yes, I need an attitude check. Wonderful post as usual!

  8. So true Bobbi. We can all suffer from stinkin thinkin...I am just as guilty. Bless you.


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