Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Romans 4:4

"Now when a man works his wages are not credited
to him as a gift, but as an obligation." NIV

"Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned
of grace, but of debt." KJV

Our God loves us so much that He gave......He gave the
most precious gift, salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.
We cannot receive a gift by working for it. For then it would
not be a gift, but an earned reward for our efforts. God did
not love us so much that he decided to pay us with eternal
life in exchange for our good works. We cannot work for or
deserve this precious gift. We can only receive it by
recognizing our need for it, by repenting, and by accepting
His free gift of salvation.

Heavenly Father, may we always remember that your
precious love, grace, and mercy is the reason we are
no longer held responsible for our sinful nature, and
that it was nothing we did. Your love for us resulted in
the horrible death of your only son and we get the free
gift of eternal life. We can never repay you for this free
gift, but to give you all we have, our lives. In Jesus'
name we pray, Amen.


Daily Grace


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