Saturday, August 28, 2010


Are we truly and honestly aware of the tragedy of sin?
Do we understand its' effects on our own hearts? Have
we found ourselves humiliated at the fact that we have
offended God? Are we deeply grieved by the sins of
others and the state of the world? If so, then we are
among those who mourn. Be encouraged, we will be

Heavenly Father, we pray for spiritual insight to
understand the tragedy of sin and how it has
separated us from you. We thank you and praise
you, Lord, that as we repent and mourn over the
effects of sin on us and our world, you have
provided comfort for us. In Jesus' name.

Read Matthew 5:4

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted."(NIV)

"Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted." (KJV)



  1. Oh LORD knows I've mourned. I've mourned and tried to make sense of many things. I am learning to just mourn & let God take hold. Tammy

  2. So good to know that God forgives us and loves us. Happy Spiritual Sunday!

  3. Thank you for this reminder of the seriousness of sin. I'm afraid we get so used to it that we tend to overlook too many things. I hope your prayer will be all of ours as well.

  4. I just came through 3 very emotionally difficult years. The other day, I worshipped at a church, leaving filled for the first time in years. Once filled, all I could see was my sin over the last 3 years, how much I had damaged my witness. I repented and God, being God, welcomed me back. I was so blinded to my sin during these past years but am grateful for a God who loves and forgives.


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