Friday, August 27, 2010


Isn't it interesting that we tend to hide when we have
done something we know is wrong. Adam and Eve hid
in the garden and covered themselves up after
disobeying God. Keeping sin hidden so it won't be
publicly exposed is a very exhausting and stressful way
to live. Don't we all want a clean conscience before the
Lord? If we bring our sin to the light by confessing it to
God, stop doing it, and ask for His forgiveness, we will
have a conscience that is clean. We can then purpose to
continue staying in the light of God and His Word so
that we will see when the enemy is trying to tempt and
trap us.

Heavenly Father, we come with repentant hearts, asking
that you forgive us for the sin in our hearts, those things
we have kept hidden in the dark. We ask that you will
forgive us and make our hearts clean before you. Give
us pure hunger to walk in your light so that we will stay
clean in your sight and we can see your path. Thank
you, Lord, for your light and for giving us the freedom
to live in it. In Jesus' name.

Read John 3:21

"But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light,
so that it may be seen plainly that what he has done
as been done though God." (NIV)

"But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his
deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in
God." (KJV)



  1. Thank you for this message today...I really needed to hear it and put it to practise. God's blessings too you. Lloyd

  2. Beautiful post today! The truth prevails in all ways. Tammy


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