Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The words in the Bible came from the very breathe of God. They are God, Himself, speaking to us. From His words we learn what we are to believe, to know what is the truth, to correct things in our lives that are not God's will, and to teach others about God. The Holy Bible is our life manual.

Heavenly Father, we praise you and thank you for giving us your Word, so that we can have a guidebook to help ourselves and others to live our lives here on earth. In Jesus' name.

Read 2 Itmothy 3:16

"All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness." (NIV)

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness." (KJV)



  1. Thank you so much for these inspiring words about the Word of God. Sometimes we all need to hear this over and over again because there are so many false teachers out there. God bless, Lloyd

  2. Amen! Love your blog, and love God too!

    Debby (Heavenly Humor)

  3. Normally I don't read manuals when I put things together. I guess that's why I always have a few nuts and bolts left over.

    I still haven't got life totally figured out but I do read God's manual and trust that He will put me together when I reach heaven. And I'm sure there won't be any nuts or bolts left over.


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