Saturday, July 13, 2013


Proverbs 26:24,25


"Whoever hates disguises himself with his lips and harbors deceit in his heart; when he speaks graciously, believe him not, for there are seven abominations in his heart." ESV


Some people can make themselves look very wonderful, giving, and charming.  Without the gift of discernment, most of us will believe these people and get blind-sided by their evil ways. In this day and age, discernment of deception should be on the priority list for every Christian. The Word says that in the last days, even the very elect will be deceived. There is a great battle for the souls of every living human. We don't have time to get caught in the snares of people around us who are wolves in sheep's clothing.


Heavenly Father, oh how we need the gift of discernment. Forgive us for being complacent about about the world around us. Give us the true sense of the urgency that exists in this world of deception that will take us to eternal darkness. Help us be aware of those around us who seem wonderful on the outside, but have deep hatred and bitterness in their hearts. We trust in You, Lord, to fill us with Your Holy Spirit that will guide us into all truth. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.


Daily Grace
Bobbi Craigmyle, Psy.D., BCPCC
No Copyright Infringement Intended
Personal Use Only

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