Thursday, May 2, 2013


Proverbs 30:12

"There are those who are clean in their own eyes but are not washed of their filth." ESV

We've all known people who fail to have a regular shower routine, but tend to get by with putting on a clean change of clothes, putting on cologne, and rearranging their hair. That may give them confidence to believe they are clean, because they have covered up the un-bathed body. There is a more critical and eternal deception taking place in the spiritual lives of so many. On the outside they have the "Christian" lingo down, can quote scriptures, say beautiful prayers, and conduct themselves very reverently. They believe they are "safe" with God because they are outwardly being Godly. The fact is, they have never changed on the inside and still carry the filth of sin in their lives. It comes out in one way or another and can be clearly seen by a true discerning believer of Christ. These people who only look clean on the outside are the "white washed tombs" Jesus spoke about.

Heavenly Father, reveal to our own hearts if there is any filth lying hidden within us or that we are unwilling to admit. Cleanse our hearts so that we will be clean vessels, ready and prepared to be your faithful servants. Help us to be salt and light, allowing the conviction of the Holy Spirit to those who are only clean on the outside. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Daily Grace

Bobbi Craigmyle, Psy.D., BCPCC
No Copyright Infringement Intended
Personal Use Only

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