Wednesday, January 2, 2013


D a i l y G r a c e
January 2013

Hello Daily Grace readers and guests! We are at the beginning of a brand new year. A time when we can make changes in our lives, our work, and our relationships. With Daily Grace, we will be seeing a few changes that after prayerful consideration, will be more reader friendly, more concise, and more efficient. Of course, these changes will in no way affect the traditional Daily Grace purpose, intent, or integrity. Here are a few of the changes we will be seeing:
1. Scripture will now be quoted from the English Standard Version (ESV). The ESV is not a paraphrase. It is a translation from the same original Hebrew and Greek translations as the King James Bible, The New American Standard Bible, The New International Version, and the New King James Version to mention a few. I strongly encourage everyone to check out the ESV origination and it's integrity.
2. There will be a day of rest for Daily Grace, so there will be no Daily Grace mailed out or posted on the website on Sundays. This is a time for all of us to attend the house of worship and engage in our own personal prayer and study of God's Word.
Each of you are a blessing because you all take time to read and reflect on God's Word every day. Taking that time is so critical in this day and time of uncertainty and turmoil. The Daily Grace is available to help provide those moments of time with Him and His word.
    Each Daily Grace devotion is original in textual content based on Biblical scriptures. The Word of God builds faith in Christ. Faith leads us to victory over this world and molds us into His likeness. Wherever the Lord leads in the days to come, it is certain that His desire is to prepare us for victory over this world and for us sit at His feet for eternity.
God bless you all richly in the coming year,
"That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him." ESV
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Daily Grace

Bobbi Craigmyle, Psy.D., BCPCC
No Copyright Infringement Intended
Personal Use Only

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