Monday, May 28, 2012


Psalm 90:12

"Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."NIV

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."KJV

Why would the Bible tell us to number our days? It is because we need to be reminded that we are but humans confined to this world of time and space. Life is fleeting, a collection of days. If we count our days, we will stay aware of this fact. We will acquire wisdom as we increase our reverence for God. For it is He who will take us out of this place of time and space into eternity with Him. Let's make every day count and count every day as a blessing.

Heavenly Father, we ask for forgiveness for wasting our days with the cares and worries of this life. Help us to wake up each day recognizing it is an opportunity to gain wisdom of Your salvation plan and pass it along to others. We know the time is short, and we ask that we keep our hearts and minds counting the days as significant for Your kingdom. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen.

Daily Grace
Bobbi Craigmyle, Psy.D., BCPCC
No Copyright Infringement Intended
Personal Use Only

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate your thoughts on counting our days. There is a specific purpose for doing this and it's so we can apply our hearts to wisdom. I want more of his wisdom!
    I love Chris Rice's song about this; Teach us to Count our Days.
    Thanks for sharing.


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