Wednesday, March 23, 2011


James 1:16

"Don't be deceived my dear brothers." NIV

"Do not err, my beloved brethren." KJV

The Word tells us that God does not tempt any of us nor is He tempted by anything. It seems then, that we have all we need to keep from being deceived and from being taken off the course of eternal life. We have the responsibility to stay on the narrow path or not. God does not trip us up by throwing lies and stumbling blocks in our way. Those come from the evil one or our own natural desires. To give in to the deception by rationalizing or minimizing it will cause us to decline spiritually and if left going in that way, eventually, spiritual death. Let us not be deceived.

Heavenly Father, how aware we are that none of us are above being deceived. But we also know that if we stay close to You and Your Word and walk daily in Your Spirit, we will not fall into deception. Help us to keep alert and recognize that deception is all around us, so that we will not be trapped by it. It is only by Your grace and our total reliance on you that we escape deception. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.


Daily Grace

Bobbi Craigmyle, Psy.D.

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