Friday, February 25, 2011


Hosea 13:6

"When I fed them, they were satisfied, they became proud; then they forgot Me." NIV

"According to their pasture, so were they filled; they were filled, and their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten me." KJV

Are we like the children of Israel? When we get into desperate circumstances and we are helpless, we call on God for help. Even the Godless do this. In His infinite love and mercy He supplies in extraordinary ways and blesses us more than we could imagine. In our satisfied, content situation, we forget from where we came and what the Lord has done for us. That is, we forget until we get into a desperate circumstance and become helpless. Then we remember and cry out to Him again. Earthly contentment is a breeding ground for pride. Pride always puts itself ahead of God. That's why we are warned again and again about pride.

Heavenly Father, how patient and long suffering is your love toward us. We don't deserve the grace you show us day after day, but you continue to give it out because of your Son, Jesus Christ. Forgive us Lord, when we take advantage of your great love by forgetting to put you first when things are going well for us. Help us to remember that we always need you no matter what our circumstances are. Without you we can do nothing. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen


Daily Grace
Bobbi Craigmyle, Psy.D.


  1. Gosh, Dr Bobbi---it's almost like you've been inside my brain with this post! I think this is one of your all-time greatest!

    I love the prophets. Their words ring so true through the centuries and are especially applicable today. Thank you!

  2. It seems Bobbie that this is what happens to Christians all the time. When we are doing well and have few needs we begin to pull away from God and forget Him. When we have problems or something in our lives change for the worst....we reach out for God to help us. I am so humbled to know that our God will never leave nor forsaken us. God bless, Lloyd


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