Wednesday, January 12, 2011


1 Thessalonians 5:17

"Pray continually." NIV

"Pray without ceasing." KJV

If we are totally committed to the Lord, we will be constantly thanking Him for His provisions and blessings, healing and miracles. We will be looking to Him for guidance and direction, strength and wisdom, pure hearts. We will pray in audible voices and we will pray in our hearts. To be totally committed to the Lord is to be in a continual state of communication with Him.

Heavenly Father, the moment we chose to commit ourselves to you, we have never really stopped communicating with you in one way or another. Help us to always be aware of this continual prayer of intimacy and fellowship with you and to be sure we listen to what you are saying to us. In Jesus name, Amen.


Daily Grace


  1. Thank you for the reminder! It is so easy to forget that every thought is actually a conversation with God.

  2. Putting Him first in all things is my goal. Blessings...

  3. Yes, I have always communicated with Him one way or another. Sometimes I don't take the time and he uses life to bring me back to fellowship. God bless!

    Mrs. A


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