Saturday, January 1, 2011


Ephesians 4:27

"And do not give the devil a foothold." NIV

"Neither give place to the devil." KJV

Anger can be a large opening for the entrance of Satan.
If we do not keep our anger under control, we are carving
a perfect step for the evil one to place his foot and just
take off with his hatred and toxin. We are all in situations
that cause us to become angry, and anger is a normal
human emotion. But when our anger takes over our self
control, we literally hand control over to whatever or
whoever is there to take it over. It is up to us. We have the
choice and the control. Let's keep that in mind each time
our emotions get intense.

Heavenly Father, please forgive us when we have allowed
our anger to be taken over by the evil one because we
didn't keep control. Help us, Lord, to never give the devil
an opportunity to work through our uncontrolled
emotions. We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.


Daily Grace


  1. I'm hanging my head in shame b/c this has SO been me lately. Each day I wake & say "God, please help me let go of whatever it is that drives me to feel so angry so often & yell at my kids." I often can't even determine what's driving this anger. Who is this that I'm becoming? What is wrong with me? I am SO incredibly blessed - far too blessed feel angry. Sometimes I think it's hormones with pre-menopause, but then I realize a lot of it is self-imposed. God's got a work to do in me with all this. And this is reminding me that I need to open myself up to receive His help & quit staying so busy I'm not available for His guiding hand in helping myself. Thanks for this post, Bobbi. I've missed you! I am thankful that God has brought us all together in blogland. I look forward to where He takes us this coming year. Hugs ~ Merana

  2. Great post, Bobbi.

    Merana...don't be too hard on yourself. I know how you feel. I try to just always rememmber that God is there and I try to just let God take over. God bless.

  3. Merana, it could be a number of things contributing to your anger. The bottom line is, you have recognized your lack of total control over anger. We've all been there. With God, all things are possible. Look to Him, He will give you the strength and control you need. God bless you richly, Bobbi

  4. good advice...for me...I have to go running or so something really physical. Happy New Year...

  5. Timely words for me. God has been showing me that I don't usually "blow up" at people, but neither do I confront in a healthy assertive manner when I need to. I am working on this!


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