Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Lamentations 3:44

"You have covered yourself with a cloud so that no
prayer can get through." NIV

"Thou hast covered thyself with a cloud, that our
prayer should not pass through." KJV

It is difficult to understand why God does not seem to hear
or answer prayers at times. How often has it appeared that
our prayers have gone to the ceiling and then plummeted to
the floor? God has spoken to us about this time and time
again about coming to Him in prayer with unconfessed sin
in our hearts. We are much like a teenager who has
disregarded parental directives to clean the room. The
teenager is then insulted that the parents refuse to give
money for going to the mall. The parents did not refuse
the child's request because they don't love and care for
the child. It is the same with God and His love for us. He
has told us to examine ourselves and confess all sin. Then
He will acknowledge our prayers and heal our spirits.

Heavenly Father, we stand in need of your grace so that we
will always examine our hearts and make things right with
you and our fellowmen before we come to you with our
petitions. We realize that sin keeps our prayers from
reaching your ears. Help us Lord, to approach you with
clean hearts, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.


Daily Grace


  1. Hello Dr. Grace and peace.
    I am flattered by the comment on my blog, I want to congratulate you for your excellent work, I'll give your blogs to my friends and contacts, and the language ... I write in Portuguese and not Spanish (languages are similar), I suggest that Mrs. use the google translator.
    Can I publish your articles in my blog? Mrs. case allow me to do everything as ethics, (not want to be sued ...).

    Your servant. Iveraldo Pereira.

  2. Olá Dra. graça e paz.
    Sinto-me lisonjeado pelo comentário no meu blog, quero parabenizá-la pelo seu excelente trabalho , vou indicar os seus blogs para meus amigos e contatos , quanto ao idioma ... eu escrevo em português e não em espanhol,( são linguas parecidas ), sugiro que a Sra. use o google tradutor.
    Posso publicar seus artigos no meu blog? caso a Sra. me permita farei tudo conforme a ética,(não quero ser processado...).

    Seu conservo. Iveraldo Pereira.

  3. Hello Grace and happy new year. I think that cleaning up ones heart is a far more difficult task than cleaning up ones room but in the end it is realy worth it. "For who feels thy wrath like those who fear thee?" This post has spoken to my heart as always happens when God speaks.

  4. To Clint, Toya O, Steve, and Geoff: I thank you for your kind words and the time you take to come to Daily Grace. God bless you all abundantly in this new year.

    To Iveraldo Pereira: Your kindness is humbling. I will get the Google Translator so many more people can read this blog. You are more than welcome to place my work here on your blogs as long as you give credit by attaching my name as the author and the name of my blog, Daily Grace. The purpose of this blog is to bring other's to Jesus Christ and to give strength to the believers. It would be so good to take this anywhere our God can use it. God bless, Dr. Bobbi


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