Saturday, December 18, 2010


Romans 10:11

"As the Scripture says, 'Anyone who trusts in him
will never be put to shame.'" NIV

"For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on
him shall not be ashamed." KJV

The Word of God is sure. His gift of salvation is for
all individuals who believe in Jesus Christ. All who
remain in sin will be judged. All who believe will be
richly blessed. There will be NO person on this earth
who puts his faith in Jesus Christ and at the end of
his life hears the Lord say, "Sorry, but you just aren't
meant for heaven." No true believer will be disappointed.

Heavenly Father, please forgive us when we have
feelings of inadequacy or that we have not been
good enough. Give us the assurance that we are
your children and we will spend eternity with you, if
we put our faith in Jesus Christ. And help us to let
others know this wonderful truth. In Jesus' name.


Daily Grace


  1. It's good that we are reminded of our acceptance through our Saviour. Feelings of shame, failure and being disqualified by our behaviour or actions can overshadow God's Truth. He came to set us free. Blessings to you. Blessings to you xo

  2. I wrote a comment about this on Clif's blog, but this morning on the news they showed a tree that a Seattle Atheist group put up at the state capitol. It has photos of famous atheisits on it. And there is a big sign putting down Christmas and all it represents. How sad! The anti-Christ is alive and well out there. We must never be ashamed of who we are in Christ Jesus. AMEN! AMEN!!!

  3. Hi Bobbi,

    You share the word of God in a most inspiring and encouraging way.

    There are so many circumstances that can weigh a person down, but God wants us to trust Him; what I lack, He more than accomodates my deficiency by His grace.

    Blessings and peace.


  4. Thank you. So much easier to simply trust and obey and move forward under His guidance.

  5. Beautiful reminder for us..god's love and grace...for ALL. Have a blessed Christmas.

  6. Such an inspiring message! May God richly bless you this Christmas season.


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