Friday, December 24, 2010


Acts 28:26

"Go to this people and say, 'You will be ever hearing
but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but
never perceiving.'" NIV

"Saying, Go unto this people, and say, Hearing ye shall
hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see,
and not perceive." KJV

God is always speaking, whether it is through people,
circumstances, or our thoughts. Those who are alive
spiritually will hear Him and see Him. But there are
those who believe they are 'religious' and that they
can hear and perceive God. But they do not know God
at all and they do not hear Him nor perceive Him. They
miss the marvelous move of God because they are
hardened in heart and refuse to believe the Truth.

Heavenly Father, we ask you to help us always be able
to see and hear Your voice through the Holy Spirit who
leads us into all Truth. Give us discernment to know when
we have come across those who claim to know you, but
they are followers of their own natures. We ask this in
Jesus' name, Amen.


Daily Grace


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