Monday, December 27, 2010


Mark 9:35b

"If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last,
and the servant of all." NIV

"If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last
of all, and servant of all." KJV

Wouldn't is be correct to say that we would all like to
be the best in God's kingdom? If that is what we truly
desire, we will deliberately make ourselves lower than
all others and serve them with a pure heart. It is this
kind of living that God honors by giving it first place.

Heavenly Father, please help us to take charge of our
selfish wants and to recognize that the only way you
recognize honorable living is when we are serving
others. Give us the heart of a servant like that which
was in the heart of Jesus. In His name we pray, Amen.


Daily Grace

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