Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Luke 24:38

"He said to them, 'Why are you troubled and why
do doubts rise in your minds?'" (NIV)

"And he said unto them, Why are ye troubled? and
why do thoughts arise in your hearts?" (KJV)

If we seek God in prayer for the answer to our needs,
are we really seeking God or are we seeking the answers
to our needs. Most often we are so overcome by our need,
it becomes our focus. That's when unrest, worry, and fear
begin and we become discouraged. God will answer our
prayers when we seek Him and He see that the time is
right to bring the answer. Our faith in that will keep us
from becoming discouraged and anxious when we don't
see immediate answers to our prayers.

Heavenly Father, please forgive us for getting our focus
off of You and your majesty and allowing ourselves to
fix our minds on our petitions and needs. Help us to trust
that You know what is best and You will always hear and
answer our prayers. Give us peace in knowing that the
answer may not come when we think it should or in the
way we think it will. We pray this in Jesus' name.


Daily Grace


  1. Amen Isn't it amazing how our Father does this. I have to confess I do worry, and fret at times in the face of great difficulties, but when I look back on my life, and all the things that seemed so discouraging at the time. THERE WAS GOD working all things together for my good.

  2. Saw that you have become a follower of my blog, so I thought I would stop by and say hello.

    So glad to read words of life here in blogland.

  3. I read your post and before commenting I opened my bible. This is what I read:
    "He spoke to them in a parable to show that they should keep on praying and never lose heart:"... Luke18vv1-8

    Love you lots. Geoff.


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