Wednesday, November 10, 2010


John 3:20

Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will
not come into the light for fear that his deeds will
be exposed. (NIV)

"For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither
cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be
reproved." (KJV)

Those who have chosen to walk in the ways of the world
have rejected the light. In fact, they despise the light. It
exposes their guilt and ungodly ways. So they refuse to
go near the light. We all notice these people. They sit in
the back at church or don't go at all. They stay distanced
from those who live and speak in Godly ways. If we really
examine ourselves, we will be able to determine how
willing we are to approach the light.

Heavenly Father, we praise you and give you honor for
giving us light. Your light helps us to keep our lives
so that we can approach the light without guilt and
shame. Forgive us for those times we cannot approach
the light because we have been disobedient to you.
We pray for those who refuse to come to the light and
hate the light and ask that you send the Holy Spirit to
convict them of their sin. We pray this in Jesus' name.


Daily Grace


  1. Hello,
    The light contains the dark. Fighting the dark is an illusion. I can only be loved. Then everything becomes one...including the ones who stand in the back of the church or who don`t go at all..including the criminals, the atheists, and so on..We must not judge or differentiate, for we all are one.

    Can`t you see that this battle against evil brought nothing but conflict and more conflict..There are no righteous ones, there are only the ones who love UNCONDITIONALLY and the ones that know the truth.

    Hugs, Oana

  2. There is no them and us..there is just US. Let the one who did not sin, cast the first rock.


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