Monday, November 22, 2010


Judges 2:10

"After the whole generation had been gathered to
their fathers, another generation grew up, who knew
neither the Lord nor what He had done for Israel." (NIV)

"And also all that generation were gathered unto
their fathers: and there arose another generation after
them, which knew not the LORD, nor yet the works which
he had done for Israel." (KJV)

When all of us who are living on the earth now have died
and a totally new generation is ruling over the earth, will
they know the Lord? Will we have taught our children,
our children's children, and their children about the Lord
God Almighty? It is our responsibility to teach our children
the ways of the Lord and to live that life every moment in
their presence. If we fail to do so, we will answer to the
Lord God himself and we will be responsible for a
generation who does not know Him.

Heavenly Father, please help us to live and teach every
moment we live to our children Your reality and greatness.
Help us to make this our priority and we pray that our next
generation will be one that follows Your ways and
continues to teach and live in the ways of God. We ask in
Jesus' name, Amen.


Daily Grace


  1. Yes...what is so beautiful about the scriptures is that the words are truly timeless---as true now and in the future as they were thousands of years ago.

    God keeps trying to get His message through the thick egos of his people, but they would rather rely on self.

    That is, until real calamity strikes---then, back to Him.

  2. Wow, this really moved me..."when all the people living on the earth now are dead." What a huge responsibility and privelege we have to pass on God's word to the next generation.

  3. We teach more by our life style than by our words. If you spend time with your children and are yourself a believer it is impossible not to pass it on to them. Unfortunately more and more fathers and mothers are leaving their children alone in order to earn a living. Very sad when you think about it but God has his way of bringing about change for our own good. Bless you Lord for your faithfulness.


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