Tuesday, October 26, 2010


John 3:30

"He must become greater, I must become less." (NIV)

"He must increase, but I must decrease." (KJV)

As new Christians, we have a tendency to pay more
attention to how we are doing, looking for confirmation
from other Christians and being sure to let others know
how much our lives have changed. We get a bit caught
up in ourselves and comparing our Christian walk with
that of others. As we mature, we become more aware
that the Christian walk is not about us, but it is about
the Lordship of Jesus Christ and constantly pointing
others to Him. He becomes the focus of our Christian
walk--following Him and pointing the way to others.

Heavenly Father, sometimes we forget the real reason
for the Christian life. We tend to focus on the social
involvement, working in the church, or gathering all
the Christian knowledge we can. Help us to be aware
that following your son and pointing others in His
direction is the only way to get ourselves out of the
way so that others will see only Him. In His name we
pray, Amen.


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