Thursday, October 14, 2010


John 21:17

"Jesus said, 'Feed my sheep.'" (NIV)

"Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep." (KJV)

How often do we find ourselves tired, worn out, and in
need of getting away from it all? What is it we have been
doing that has us so spent? If we examine ourselves and
the things on which we have been spending our energy,
we will find that we have been struggling and striving to
keep up with the demands of life. How do we have time
and energy, then, to help other Christians in their walk
as the Lord has commanded us? We can be giving out
what the Lord has put in us in everything we do. A smile
at someone in a busy store, the courtesy to let someone
into the line of traffic in front of us, listening to one who
is sharing a concern all seem like small things, but these
small bits of giving might mean everything to the ones
who receive them. Giving others spiritual food that the
Lord has so graciously supplied to us will be refreshing
and will uplift our fellow Christians.

Heavenly Father, You have told us to supply Your
children with spiritual food that will help them grow.
Forgive us for becoming so caught up in the demands
of this life that we fail to do what You have told us to
do. Give us sensitivity to the Holy Spirit so that we can
supply the spiritual food to others at any moment in any
situation so that Your children will be fed. In Jesus'
name. Amen.


1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I couldn't agree with you more in regard to things that seem so insignificant such as a smile, or nice gesture actually have the power to change someone's day or life. I have bipolar disorder, and although my disorder has greatly improved due to medication, therapy, & most importantly drawing closer to the Lord, there were days when just a smile from someone who didn't know me, unbeknownst to them lifted my depression.
    God bless,
    Michele Katherine


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