Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hebrews 12:11

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful.
Later on, however, it produces a harvest of
righteousness and peace for those who have been
trained by it." (NIV)

"Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be
joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it
yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto
them which are exercised thereby." (KJV)

Living the Christian life is one of constant discipline
because we are in a perpetual state of staving off
temptations, of struggling with our natural affinities,
and of walking after the Spirit. At times, we give in to
ourselves and the world. Then, we feel conviction and
remorse. It is rough travelling through this life, but if
we stay the course and allow the Lord to discipline us,
we will win the prize of Christ's righteousness and
peace. That's worth it all.

Heavenly Father, forgive us when we stumble and fall.
Even though we may not like being disciplined, we know
it is for our good and that You discipline us because You
love us. We thank You and praise You for that. In Jesus'
name we pray, Amen.



  1. Like loving parents that discipline their children, our loving and merciful God keeps us on the straight and narrow path. Great message and prayer. God bless, Lloyd

  2. Every post I read today is really touching my heart. Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through you. Blessings!

  3. Thank you for yet another inspiring post Dr. Bobbi...Have a beautiful weekend!!


  4. What a good post! And oh... haven't we all felt the discipline of His hand! I sure have, and it's exactly what He has used, so many times, to teach me of His love for me.

    I loved this!

    Happy Sunday.


  5. Oh, it is so true....discipline. Discipline is for our own good...we may not pray for it but usually AFTER (sometimes during) it has been applied, we can rejoice that He loves us so much to discipline us...just like a child.

    Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine

  6. thank you for the truth in this post....


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