Thursday, September 30, 2010


When we are children, we have total confidence in
our parents to take care of our every need. We can
be free to explore and play, learning about the world
around us. Why is it we have difficulty trusting the
Lord to take care of everything in our lives? We say
we trust Him, but we still worry and fret over things.
If we really stop what we're doing and ponder the
marvelous fact that God is OUR shepherd, we will
understand that there is nothing we will lack or
need to live the life He has given us.

Heavenly Father, how awesome it is to know that
you are OUR shepherd, who loves and care for us
more than a mother cares for her child. Help us to
get this amazing truth into our hearts and minds,
knowing we will have all we need. In Jesus' name
we pray. Amen.

Read Psalm 23:1

"The Lord is MY shepherd, I shall not be in want." (NIV)

"The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want." (KJV)



  1. Hi ~ I happened upon your blog looking for a photo for a post on The Lord is my Shepherd ~ I love your blog. I am also a christian with a blog too ;.) Stop over if you want!

    Mommy's Moments

    hope it was ok to borrow the photo~

  2. Once had a dream of the deivl chasing me,out of my grandama,s house,yelling at me telling me to fix something to eat!!!!!then i ran to the bed room looked at the closet and something was moving and fell down i ran from both of these things in to the front yard were there was a big ark,just like noahs ark i ran in scared out of my mind ,it was real dark and i was terriffied there were a bunch of little sheep running in the ark!!! and i seen a man with a hooded cloak on i ran up to him and when he pulled the hood off his head there was a bright light all around his face ,right there and then i new it was the lord saving me,i new in all that darkness there was a light i woke up!!!! a good shepherd dream..........


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