Tuesday, September 21, 2010


There are so many people in this world, many next
door to us or working along side us, that are lost
with no hope. If we are willing, God will use us as
workers for His kingdom. We can give a smile, some
kind words, or reach out in a helpful way to those
who are hurting and need to know God loves them.
So few of us are willing to sacrifice the time and
energy. Let's pray for each other and all Christians
to have the desire to be workers for this huge

Heavenly Father, we ask for your forgiveness for
not doing our part in this great harvest of lost
and hurting souls. Give us fervent desire to go
into the world, wherever we are, to reach out to
those who need You. Help us to remember to
pray for one another so that we will keep the
work going and bring other workers into the
field. We ask In Jesus' name.

Read Matthew 9:37

"Then He said to his disciples, 'The harvest is
plentiful, but the workers are few.'" (NIV)

"Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly
is plenteous, but the labourers are few." (KJV)



  1. Thank you for this prayer. As I substitute teach, I see many kids who seem not to have experienced stability and love. I ask God to use me today.

  2. I am willing Lord, send me.

  3. Thank you for the reminder. I just pray my eyes will be open to who I need to encourage.


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