Saturday, September 25, 2010


Do we really understand what was lost when sin
entered the human heart? Before, there was perfect
communion with God and constant presence in His
glory. After, there was darkness, separation from Him,
and vulnerability to evil and destructive circumstances
of a world gone bad. Do we really understand how much
God loves us, that He would sacrifice the most precious
things to Him, His Son, to rescue us from this tragic
and hopeless world?

Heavenly Father, we earnestly seek to know what
was forfeited when sin entered the world. It is in the
light of knowing this, that we can understand the great
love you have for us to save us from the destruction it
caused. We ask this in the name of Jesus' our Saviour.

Read Psalm 86:13

"For great is your love toward me; you have delivered
me from the depths of the grave." (NIV)

"For great is thy mercy toward me: and thou hast
delivered my soul from the lowest hell." (KJV)


1 comment:

  1. There are days when I do just that, stop and think about how much he loves me and how much he does for me. Daily while I work I thank him for my job.


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