Saturday, July 31, 2010


As Christians, we are no longer controlled by our old sinful
human natures. This is the part of us that seems to gravitate
to things forbidden, things that feel good, things that bring
pleasure. God never intended for His children to live lives
devoid of good feelings and pleasure. He does intend for us
to hand over our own control of our human nature and to
take on His nature. It is a much different life than living by
human desires and pleasure. Living in the nature of God
brings such life, treasures and riches, the things of this world
grow very pale and unattractive in comparison.

Heavenly Father, we ask that You help us to take on Your
nature so that we will not fall into the selfish ways of the
world. We thank You that You have given us access to Your
nature and praise You for the blessings we receive as we
take Your nature as our own. In Jesus' name.

Read Romans 7:5

"For when we were controlled by the sinful nature, the sinful
passions aroused by the law were at work in our bodies, so
that we bore fruit for death." (NIV)

"For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which
were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit
unto death." (KJV)



  1. That is a neat graphic to go with your post! I've looked at it several times, even clicked it to enlarge it. I am glad that Spiritual Sunday exists to help us continue to ":live in the nature of God."

  2. His nature, not our own. I love this prayer, Bobbi ... thank you!

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog and your very kind & sweet words! It's always nice to meet new blog friends and I feel inspired by stopping by your part of the world!

  4. It does happen.. and when it does, I feel it in my spirit. I pray that I can serve Him with humility, gentleness and ask Him to remove the ugliness inside of me that hurt the people I love.

    God bless you... this is what I needed to read today.

  5. good thoughts...happy Sunday Sarah

  6. Very good post...great reminder.


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