Monday, June 7, 2010


Do we really understand what Jesus Christ gave and
continues to give as our Lord and Saviour? We know that He
conquered death, hell, and the grave, and that all things are
now put under His feet. Do we realize that He gives us
freedom to use His victory shield when we need it. We know
that after Jesus rose from the dead and went back to the
Father, He sits at the Father's right hand, in eternal glory
and majesty. Do we realize that He stoops down and reaches
out to the lowest, most vile soul that calls on Him for help. We
do realize that we serve a mighty God.

Heavenly Father, how blessed and honored we are to have a
God that loves us so much that He gave His all and He keeps
giving to us. Give us spiritual insight to realize His great,
powerful and precious gifts meant just for us. In Jesus' name.

Read 2 Samuel 22:36

"You give me your shield of victory; you stoop down to make
me great." (NIV)

"Thou hast also given me the shield of thy salvation: and thy
gentleness hath made me great." (KJV)


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