Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Sometimes we lose site of the really important
message of God. Jesus Christ, His life, death,
and resurrection are the message we are to
live and give. Too many times we get caught
up in little side roads that we insist are just as
important and it causes divisions. At times,
we question and debate about the things of
God about which we have no knowledge.
We are told not to argue about personal,
group, or denominational beliefs and ideas
that are not a part of the basic Gospel
message of Jesus Christ.

Heavenly Father, please help us to keep
our witness on that which really matters
and what we know to be truth: the
Gospel of Jesus Christ. In His name we

Read 2 Timothy 2:23

"Don't have anything to do with stupid
and foolish arguments, because you
know they produce quarrels." (NIV)

"But foolish and unlearned questions
avoid, knowing that they do gender
strifes." (KJV)



  1. Thank you so much for this message. I really needed to hear it this morning. God bless, Lloyd

  2. Little side roads are very dangerous little critters. Didn't they cause Pilgrim a lot of problems on his way to the Celestial City?


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