Saturday, May 8, 2010


“Thank you for stopping by my Blog! Become a follower or leave a comment.
Please explore all this Blog has to offer, then jog on over to

If you would like to visit a different Blog in the jog, go to”

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!

    FINALLY! I tried for hours yesterday to connect with your blog, but I couldn't! The blog that was supposed to put your link on its blog, "Bullying is a form of Abuse: Peer Abuse!", must not have known how to do it or something, because they didn't do it properly. That's probably why no one left any comments on your blog.

    There was a list of names of the 139 blogs that participated in "Blog Jog Day!" on the blog, "Clogs and Tulips: An American in Holland", but no links were available, so I even tried to "Google" you and only came up with a Catholic site that I knew wasn't on "Blog Jog Day!".

    Anyway...I have signed up to "follow" you, and I sure would appreciate a "follow-back" and visit to my blog, "Cynde's Got The Write Stuff". Our "Blog Jog Day!" CONTEST is still going on, and the prize is a $20.00 gift certificate to Amazon. Check it out, OK?

    Nice "meeting: you!


    Cynde's Got The Write Stuff


Your visit here at Daily Grace is truly an honor. I value each and every comment pray for God to bless you. Please visit here again.