Monday, April 5, 2010


As Christians, we do not have a lack of work to do or a lot of time to
waste. With the enormous harvest waiting, so few who are willing
to work, and so little time, we cannot allow ourselves to be lazy, or
complacent, or distracted by the things of this world. We are to be
fervently going about our Father's business.

Heavenly Father, we can only maintain our spiritual fervor by your
grace and mercy. Help us Lord to stay fervent and focused on the
work at hand that is set before us. In Jesus' name.

Read Romans 12:11

"Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the
Lord." (NIV)

"Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord." (KJV)


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for such an inspiring and uplifting message. May God bless you always, Lloyd


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